The new Construction Products Regulation enters into force today
The new Construction Products Regulation was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 18 December 2024. It entered into force on 7 January 2025, and the date of application is 8 January 2026. The main objectives of the new CPR are to improve the single market for construction products and to better integrate sustainability and digitalisation into the construction industry. The new CPR will only apply to products covered by harmonised performance technical specifications and EADs adopted under the new regulatory framework. The old CPR will continue to apply to a product until its relevant harmonised technical specification is transferred to the new CPR.
Substitution Planning - European Commission workshop
On 1 October 2024 EFCC participated at the European Commission’s second workshop on substitution planning in the context of REACH and other European chemicals legislation. We are pleased that EFCC could once again contribute to the exchange and look forward to future exchanges with policymakers on driving innovation and sustainable solutions in substitution planning, while safeguarding the competitiveness of the industry.
EFCC’s Manifesto for the EU legislative term 2024-2029 - Constructing a Sustainable and Competitive Future for Europe’s Construction Sector
As newly elected and appointed European policymakers take office, we, the European Federation of Construction Chemicals (EFCC), present the key priorities that we think could support a successful transition to a thriving, competitive, and sustainable construction sector.
We are HIRING! - No longer accepting applications
As a result of the anticipated staffing changes at EFCC as of 1st January 2025, we are hiring a Product Stewardship & Sustainability Manager to maintain and strengthen EFCC’s position as a highly valued and respected partner in sustainability, circularity, and product stewardship in Brussels.
Open letter to legislators on finding solution to the housing crisis
Today EFCC joined Construction 2050 Alliance in the discussion on the the critical situation in housing in Europe that has a negative impact on the construction industry. The roundtable discussion was hosted by the Urban Intergroup of the European Parliament. EFCC is one of the signatories to an open letter from the Construction 2050 Alliance, which advocates for action to be taken at the European level as the crisis affects the whole Europe. The letter was released at the time of the event.
EFCC joined the signatories to the Antwerp Declaration
EFCC has joined the signatories to the Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Deal, launched in February 2024. The Antwerp Declaration calls for a ‘comprehensive action plan to elevate competitiveness as strategic priority and create the conditions for a stronger business case in Europe’. It is requested to be the first big policy initiative of the new European Commission which would complement and reinforce the European Green Deal and create clarity, predictability, and establish a targeted industrial policy.
Level(s): the European framework for sustainable buildings & EU taxonomy
If you would like to learn more about how the indicators of the EU initiative 'Level(s): the European framework for sustainable buildings' can help you align with the EU Taxonomy, and how changes to EU legislation affect reporting requirements in the building sector, you can watch the recorded webinar below. Level(s) is applied at building design level but product information and product design also have to be addressed.
The role of innovation in shaping the future of the construction industry
Interview with Eric Dehasque, President of the European Federation for Construction Chemicals (EFCC) 2024 will be an exciting new year with the European elections ahead. EFCC expects that the new European decision makers will put more emphasis on safeguarding the competitiveness of the European industry and ensure incentives for innovation. We asked Mr. Eric Dehasque, President of EFCC, on the role of innovation in the construction industry and its impact on sustainability and performance.