Our services

EFCC covers the topics related to all the Construction Chemicals Industry and aims to provide their members with:

Representation and credibility in Brussels

  • Voice of the construction chemicals industry to the outside world
  • Representation in relevant technical fora
  • Representation vis-à-vis the European institutions

An “intelligence unit” in Brussels

  • Intelligence gathering and issue tracking
  • Clarifying of the position of EFCC members
  • Developing the message
  • Positioning of the construction chemicals industry
  • Proactivity in keeping contacts with opinion leaders and other relevant EU roles
  • Coalition management
  • Advocacy

Platform of networking and exchange of knowledge

  • EFCC working groups to discuss key legislative dossiers
  • A forum to exchange ideas and views

Technical guidance

  • Guidance to interpret and implement existing legislation
  • Analysis on emerging regulatory initiatives


  • EFCC information services (periodical news alerts and early warning on emerging regulatory initiatives)